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gaining ground是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gaining ground



1.取得进展 at stake 危险;艰难 gaining ground 取得进展 see red 很生气 ...

2.安德烈想上学 当我们去露营 CAMPING 安德烈想上学 GAINING GROUND 绿色爱捣蛋 …

3.勇往直前  以“勇往直前”(Gaining Ground)作为大会的主题,此届2013年年会将安排130多项教育会议、研讨会和现场会议,可向与会者 …


1.With anti-immigrant parties gaining ground, few governments are ready to open up to north Africans.随着反移民党派日益得势,没有政府准备好对北非移民开放国界。

2.Jones says the situation represents progress from a few years ago, when the Taliban appeared to have the upper hand and was gaining ground.琼斯说,几年前塔利班还有优势而且地位在得到巩固,但现在形势发生了对联军有利的变化。

3.And with Republicans gaining ground this political season, get ready for a particularly painful bout of it.随着共和党在这个政治赛季占得先机,准备好打一场特别的硬仗。

4.Witnesses say street fighting continues inside Sabha but that rebel forces appeared to be gaining ground.目击者说,塞卜哈城内的街头战斗还在继续,但反叛部队看起来快要取得进展了。

5.After years of victories by leftist candidates, market-friendly conservatives and moderates are gaining ground in the region.经过多年的左翼候选人的胜利,亲市场的保守派和温和派正在赢得这一地区的民众。

6.Protectionism is already gaining ground in the US, with the proposed bail-out of the American car industry.贸易保护主义在美国已有所抬头,拟议中为美国汽车业的纾困就是例证。

7.Anti-immigrant parties are gaining ground in Europe. Britain has been fretting this week over lapses in its border controls (see article).反移民者的队伍在欧洲正日渐壮大,本周,英国一直对其边境上的纰漏担心不已。

8.Google (GOOG) is gaining ground in display ads, leaving Yahoo a smaller piece of the pie it once dominated.谷歌在显示广告领域一路高歌猛进,攻城拔寨,而原本在此领域独占鳌头的雅虎只捡到剩下的一小块“蛋糕”。

9.Rising gold prices have led to a stockmarket rally, based on hopes that the global economic recovery is gaining ground.在市场对全球经济的复苏出现进展的期望之中,金价上涨导致股市反弹。

10.But were the autocrats right all along? In the wake of revolution, Islamist movements have been gaining ground.但是独裁者就始终是对的吗?紧随着革命复苏,伊斯兰主义运动也反响强烈。
